Chickens are a great addition to any farm. Our chickens are all cold hardy varieties able to tolerate the cold Colorado winters. We raise Rhode Island Reds, Brahmas, a flock of mixed breeds, and we even have few silkies. Each type of bird has a specific purpose on the farm. The RIRs and Brahmas are raised for meat and eggs. We have found both RIRs and Brahmas to be super friendly and are good for a nice cuddle, too. Our mixed flock are our workhorses. They are moved all over the farm to destroy weeds and then follow the pigs out on pasture for bug control. Now the silkies I lovingly call my Fancy Fowl. In addition to our 2 silkie hens, we now have 3 silkie crosses. We will be adding to the silkie collection by crossing my silkie hens with our RIR Rooster.