The Ducks

Our ducks are a mix of Cayuga, Pekin, and Ruen. Soon, we will be switching to a different breed of duck. Look for updates on our social media sites. (Links at the bottom of the page).
The Meat
If you plan on raising fowl to eat, ducks are a tasty choice. While chickens are white meat, ducks are considered red meat, more like beef or pork. They offer more protein, fat, and iron — plus, it has a rich, juicy flavor that appeals to many palates.
The Eggs
Can you eat duck eggs? Of course, you can! Duck eggs are higher in fat than chicken eggs, so their taste is a bolder, richer taste, which tends to shine in many dishes. They’re good for you and they’re a very rich taste, making your baked goods extraordinary. Your cakes will be fluffier and your custards will be creamier. Duck egg shells are larger and thicker than chicken eggs, so they last longer.
Benefits of Raising Ducks
We rely on our ducks to help clean up your lawn by eating unwanted weeds, seeds, roots, and grass. If you have garden plots strewn with debris from last year’s crop, set your ducks loose and they’ll have it spick and span in no time so you can prepare for this season’s planting.
Ducks roaming your property will also trim the grass with their healthy appetites, including eliminating tasty weeds like dandelions and those pesky goat head sticker plants and seeds.
A duck’s appetite extends past fruits and vegetables. These omnivores eagerly chow down on any bugs and insects on your property. Ducks are a great organic pest control method on the homestead, eating slugs, worms, beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, and other insects prowling your garden.
While chickens also help take care of pests, ducks are more easily managed and won’t cause as much damage to your soil.

Living That Pond Life
We want our ducks to live like ducks. We allow them ample room to roam and we built a 4 ft-deep pond so that they can swim, bathe, and live their best duck life. If you have ever heard the term, "like a duck to water." then you know how crazy these ducks are about the pond. Even in the winter, you will find them on the pond taking a dip. Don't fret about them staying warm. Ducks have a heavy oil covering on their feathers to keep the water away from their skin and they have a special circulatory system to keep their feed warm swimming in the ice cold water.